
There are many ways to change the world with language, small and large. Trading up for down, three words for one.

The more we see and say the words, the more carefully we hone our usage, the more our experience will open up each unique setting, and within those settings, each unique person.

—Change the Language, Change the World (


A selection of Fran’s favorite writings, organized by publication.

Review: 'Machinehood' Upgrades Asimov's 3 Laws Of Robotics

Review: ‘Every Bone’ Speaks In This Painful, Beautiful Debut Novel

Review: Yes, There are Crimes, and Much More, in 'The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu'

Review: 'Son of the Storm' Explores Power and Its Transformations

The New York Times:
Op-Ed from the Future: “Please Stop Printing Unicorns”

The Washington Post:
Three Children’s Authors on the Importance of Tough Topics in Young People’s Literature (with Carlos Hernandez and Rachel Hartman)
How to Be A Lifeguard: Teaching My Daughter to Save Herself First
Monsters and Magic (with author Kate Milford)
Why Are All The Moms Gone? The Dangers of Parenting In Childrens’ Literature

Nerdy Book World:
On Being Raised by Books and Boats

John Scalzi's Whatever:
The Big Idea (for Horizon)
The Big Idea (for Cloudbound)
The Big Idea (for Updraft)

Chuck Wendig's TerribleMinds:
A Museum of Errant Critters
How Do You Build a Monster?

Uncanny Magazine:
The Linguistics of Disability, or: Empathy > Sympathy
We Will See You Now
Journaling, Science Fiction, and Travels Through China
All the Voices of the Odyssey, an Interview with Emily R. Wilson
Interstellar Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith
The Art of The Bone Universe with Tommy Arnold and Irene Gallo
It’s all in the Rigging “When a book takes me over water, I’m eagerly looking for the most seaworthy craft.”
The Women of The Expanse, an Interview with Daniel Abraham
How do you like your SF? A 10-Author round robin on hard and soft sf
Here’s What Happens When You Read The Water Knife and The Peripheral At the Same Time
Change the Language, Change the World

Clarkesworld's Another World:
A Flock of Crows in a Swan Suit
The Ship's Voice: A Risk Analysis and Modest Proposal
Keeping Time
Invisible and Visible Engineering in Science Fiction
A Brief Parable about Exchanges Between Time, Independence, Technology, and Privacy
Words with Wings: A Conversation with Fran Wilde
Very Close Now: 30+ years of Virtual Narrative and Virtual Reality, from Hypercard to Oculus Rift

Other Favorites:
∙ B&N Kids Blog: Siblings Who Fight For Each Other
∙ Kickstarter's Drip on Medium: Author and poet Fran Wilde on dreaming up new worlds and dealing with writer’s block
∙ Jim C. Hines's Invisible3: Notes from the Meatcage
∙ Library of Congress: Flights of Fantasy & Fact: Man-made wings in Literature and History

Elsewhere on the internet

Writing Excuses: Bodies, Why?

Free Library of Philadelphia: Local Author Reading Series with Siobhan Carroll and Fran Wilde

PubTalkLive: With Fran Wilde and Rachel Hartman

Just Keep Writing: Riverland—Fran Wilde

Coode Street Podcast: 10 minutes with Fran Wilde

Odyssey Workshop: Interview with Guest Lecturer Fran Wilde

Kickstarter’s Drip on Medium: Author and poet Fran Wilde on dreaming up new worlds and dealing with writer’s block

The Kickstarter Blog: Meet the Spring/Summer 2018 Kickstarter Creators-in-Residence

Golden State Media Concepts Book Review Podcast: Interview with Fran Wilde

Fantastic Fiction at KGB: Holly Black & Fran Wilde | Photos

The Liars Club Oddcast: Fran Wilde

Geek Girl Riot: Whachudoin’? with Fran Wilde

Coode Street Podcast: David Levine and Fran Wilde

Tribble Nation: Fran Wilde

Angela Slatter: Colouring Outside the Lines with Fran Wilde

Eating the Fantastic: Welcome to a bifurcated Balticon episode of Eating the Fantastic with guest Fran Wilde

DitchDiggers with Mur Lafferty & Matt Wallace: Fran Wilde rolls with it

Locus Magazine: Fran Wilde: Magical Engineering

Clarkesworld: Words with Wings: A Conversation with Fran Wilde

Fantasy Scroll Magazine: Interview with Author Fran Wilde

Fantastic Fiction at KGB: Nathan Ballingrud & Fran Wilde | Photos

Geekadelphia: Fran Wilde Q&A

SF Signal: Fran Wilde on Updraft, Worldbuilding, Literary Inspirations, and More

A.C. Wise: An Interview with Fran Wilde

The Skiffy & Fanty Show: Fran Wilde (a.k.a. Chadwick’s Progeny) — Updraft (An Interview) and Giveaway!

I Should Be Writing: Believing in Yourself – Fran Wilde Interview

Functional Nerds: Fran Wilde

Cooking the Books: Superstitions and Flying Bighorn Sheep: Elizabeth Bear Interviews Fran Wilde Debut Tor Authors Play “Would You Rather: SFF Edition”

A Dribble of Ink: Catching Fran Wilde on the Updraft

SF Signal: MIND MELD: Cities in SFF and the Epic Road Trip

SF Signal: MIND MELD: Sequels We Want to Novels We Love

SF Signal: MIND MELD: The Best Book Openings

Geekadelphia: Fran Wilde, Sci-Fi Author/Blooger